Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Only 48 Seasons?!

Obama just won the Democratic nomination today. Well, it's 10 o'clock Tuesday, 3 June, 2008. Now it's logged. Like the cabin Lincoln read in before freeing slaves. Whatever. Black man President? Unheard of. Obama wins! Clinton gets dropped behind despite her speech. Her stagelight was dimmed as the hook peaked from the side. And I had the rest of my bottle while he gave his. Now the pundits try to make heads or tails of this two-sided coin. When all is known, what need for discussion? Time. Does it all return to that? Well, the TV does. But who watches that?...
Will our darkest hour be a black man? I think it was the white of Your religions. The clear glass to your mirror; there was no black on the other side.
Clarity days are often found few and far between. Blue skies mean nothing! How was it spent? A jug of concentrated fruit juice exploded into my crotch and clear across the seats of Dad's truck as it fell outside. I only laughed. It smelled like it had fermented. Gross.
Now I listen to the Beatles. Obama wins, Clinton sins according to Pundits. Although the Ragin' Cajun (Chris Swearengin) has been laughing all night at the others. The wind is blowing. It must be freedom running! A black man President? Gig 'em.
Light the fuse on queue. Back to the front of the line? I don't know. The others have had a good amount of time to take their place. Of course, the Queen is surveying harsher than WE. Nobody likes the French. Putin sure can't be trusted!
777 - is that ever the lucky number? Reagan's three names have six letters in them. Tell me Obama's the anti-Christ!. Jesus. An attractive, charismatic, young guy? Jesus was the anti-Christ under that description.

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