Sunday, June 8, 2008

Did You See That Episode?

Did you see that episode of Venture Bros? Sunday night, when a new Dark Character entered the compound. Episode: The Doctor Is Sin. June 6th 2003. As if to sucker us into the next. Will You watch? Will I?
Then Metal. Then Vonage. Fuckin' stupid contrast. Now I'm so suckered into a whole new commercial, now that old Vonage Theme song. I hate T.V. Jesus things are too quiet. Too many Commercials! I have to buy everything, hear it all, watch the next movie whether it's good or not! and something greets me. Ideas! Reverse Your thinking. Then, the video game. Hulk Smash! I liked the prior. If you follow the commercials on your own, you become silent. Then get to fall . . . into . . . METALOCALYPSE

1 comment:

MeMyMoManda said...

Catering to attention spans?