Friday, May 1, 2009


I sit perched at the junction of a window ledge and a ladder. Two cars are parked on the other side of this tree. One’s silver, the other’s black. The black one’s a Chrysler, I think, but what’s that really matter? One of two A/C units blows beneath me. The one just below me waits until the weather gets warmer. Every window on my floor is open, except for one that’s in a closet. I painted it already. I painted all these windows. It’s taken quite a long time, with all the prep work and rain. But they’re done. So are the eaves, for the most part. But I’ve yet another task tomorrow before it’s completely finished. And, well, I gotta paint what I fix on the eaves again. This job never seems to end! At least with the next job, I imagine, I’ll have some creative liberties. I’m off to write.

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