Thursday, March 12, 2009

12 March, maybe

If today's 12, 11 I got to Amy's after dinner with Dad; after finishing everything at the lake. On 10 I got to the lake after leaving Mom's; after doing some chores for her; after pancakes at Granny's; after waking up there. I slept there to keep her company, comfortable. I slept there on 9 after dinner with Granny, Mom, and Emily; after getting groceries at HEB; after Emily went to practice; after she and I had lunch and hung out; after she and I had breakfast and talked the morning away; after I woke her, calling her from outside the house after the drive from Austin that began that morning around 4; after hanging out with Chris on 8, the same day I packed my car and left after I decided it was time to get going; after I returned from San Antonio after an incredible weekend that started the day before, 7.

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