Friday, January 9, 2009

How is This Redundancy all so Constantly New?

Stove tops atop buildings of red brick, brown brick, yellow brick; brick-oven pizzarias; marble slab ice cream parlors; taxis, taxis, taxis; people: singles, groups, children, dogs, strollers; pigeons, so many pigeons; grey skies, chilled breeze; rest stop for pedestrians, Father Demo park across from Father Demo Hall, a fountain with foliage instead of constantly trickling water - serene. I'm at Bleeker St. Fire escapes, fire escapes; delis, trattorias, wine shops; park bench park bench park bench in groups of three, four, five; businessmen on cellphones; students on cellphones; after-shool snacks in shivering hands. White-light pedestrian at crosswalk - blinking orange palm holds foot traffic to the curb until those standing realize no passing cars and go.

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