Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hightened and Enlightened

Check the news like it's a Muslim prayer schedule only to find your heart starts racing, your hopes rise, frustration abounds, and you're no nearer the headlines tomorrow that read:
None of This Matters - God Beyond Politics
"This is uh huh-storic day."
Events of the day are recorded, the day is ignored.
The headlines roar through rollers spinning the pages quicker to create demand for faster news, not better:
Truth Beyond What We Print
Weathermen watch numbers. The wind brings cold air south, but the seeds she carries are said:
Winds of CHANGE with Obama
The seasons are forgotten unless it's baseball, football, or political and Christmas is become the elections, that begin earlier each year, grow brighter each year, increase grander each year and people cheer:
Red! White! Blue!
And the papers keep rolling black ink over tree pulp pages, and people pick up the one that fits their views, like doctrine, and all any of it reads:
These Are Untruths
But it must come to some that news is not so blatant. Hands pass cash under fine table tops proudly hoisting brandy and cigars. Hark! The herald papers roll:
Red, Blue - Each Fade to White
And the bus disappears around a crumbling office, the sidewalks crack by the mighty, rumbling seedling, the papers compost for tree roots, binary evaporates, and words claim:
Of Many Gods, One Truth

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