Wednesday, July 23, 2008

20 6-word short stories

Eight days wandering - so I wrote.

Wandering means experience - Experience creates art.

Art is my eye, not talent.

Unsteady hands - wrong words - Oh well.

My brain is the empty ink well.

Sunup. Sunset. What about the moon?!

Birthed, I've wandered, created my own.

Factories fabricate fallacies - Artists attract eyeballs.

Eye beheld light beneath stars suspended.

Moonlight lit pages 'nough to read.

Registered Trademark, Copywrited Words, Dictionaries, Logos.

Poetry is silly like walking tightropes.

Look down. But then, look up.

Drowning in sorrow? Don't forget tomorrow.

Jump. Jump. Chris-cross'll make ya jump.

I played with my food = Art.

Hot dogs?! More like gross nonsense.

This is fun! Like surprising someone!

Regret begets pity. Pity you regret.

"Life's a chore, i'n't it?" "Can-be."

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