Tuesday, April 15, 2008


i am art. football is art. planets, art. life is art. ants are art. trees, art. cars, art. bicycles, art. guitars, art. dance is art. dancers, art. pastels, art. watercolors, art. ink wells fallen, art. 
disease, majestic. phenomena, fantastic. speed limits limit. wind, blow! tree, weep! willow, bow! man, cower! 
musicians win, nintendos challenge. television, stumble! 
onward, woe, onward!
cockle, crow. whistle, sparrow, whistle! rooster, crow in distant streets in rows of affordable homes. 
go, students, toward spectacular. bus, flow in routine's current. students, flow, yourselves, as well.
enter presence of mind, self's time. 
among stop signs and street lights, rumble of trucks' might, everything is just right if the sun would just set in the East tonight.